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National Hedgerow Week

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 7:12 pm
by Jon Valters
Hedgerow lovers and those concerned about the management of Devon's hedges might like to know that National Hedge Week begins tomorrow. The Tree Council is the main organisation involved. Hedgerows, as we all know, are great for wildlife - a well managed Devon hedge can support more than 2,000 different species. They also:
Help reduce pollution and lock up carbon
Reduce flood risk
Prevent soil loss
Provide shelter for wildlife and livestock
Reduce pollutants in urban areas
Provide food for wildlife and humans
Provide wood, timber and fuel.
Help crop pollination as they're a source of nectar and pollen
Mark boundaries and serve as livestock barriers

If you want to help raise awareness of their value and lobby for their better management I would recommend joining the Devon Hedges Group which is free. They also have a forum.
Here's a link to their website -