Plants and Habitats by Ben Averis

Do you have a favourite, or most useful, nature/wildlife book to recommend?
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Steve Pollard
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Plants and Habitats by Ben Averis

Post by Steve Pollard »

Plants and Habitats by Ben Averis is one of my favourite books to take with me when exploring a meadow. It's an excellent book for IDing not only flowers, but also grasses, sedges, mosses, etc. And while it isn't comprehensive in it's coverage (it doesn't have, say, Ivy-leaved bellflower), it does cover the most common species that you're likely to encounter. I especially like it because it details the habitats and vegetation communities you're most likely find each species in.
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Re: Plants and Habitats by Ben Averis

Post by Becca@Lillington »

I'm delighted to see you've included Ben Averis' book and that you like it. I had the privilege of meeting Ben and surveying with him many years ago in Scotland while he was preparing this book. An amazing ecologist and teacher, and a very nice guy.
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